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Sleep apnea is a serious sleep condition that can significantly impact your overall health if left untreated. Individuals with sleep apnea often experience numerous episodes each night where their breathing pauses or briefly stops, accompanied by snoring and waking up gasping for air. Beyond disrupting sleep quality, sleep apnea has been linked to daytime fatigue, mood swings, headaches, and various health issues such as high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and weight gain. At ConfiDENT in Cumming, our dental team includes experts uniquely trained to address sleep apnea using proven oral appliance therapies.

Treatment for Sleep Apnea

For those diagnosed with mild to moderate sleep apnea, a customized nighttime oral appliance may offer a solution for improved sleep quality and overall health. These appliances are especially beneficial for patients who find it challenging to tolerate CPAP machines. Our Cumming dentists use FDA-cleared appliances that have been proven to reduce sleep apnea episodes, ensuring a custom fit for optimal comfort throughout the night.

Relief from Snoring and Teeth Grinding

Oral appliance therapy is not only effective for sleep apnea but also addresses other nighttime dental issues such as loud snoring and teeth grinding (bruxism). By allowing the jaw to rest in a more open position, the oral appliance prevents the collapse of throat muscles and surrounding tissues, reducing or eliminating snoring and maintaining an open airway for adequate oxygen supply. Additionally, the dental appliance or night guard serves as protection against teeth grinding or clenching, minimizing the risk of associated symptoms like TMJ issues.

At ConfiDENT, we recognize the intricate connection between dental health and sleep habits. If you or your partner experience sleep apnea or loud snoring, we encourage you to explore treatment options at our Cumming office. We collaborate with physicians and sleep specialists to ensure oral appliance therapy is the most suitable course of action. Contact us today to alleviate snoring and safeguard against the potential consequences of sleep apnea.

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